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Technical Information Posters Papers
The Cadenza HS-C18 column is able to retain organotin compounds with nice, sharp peaks.
Cetirizine (Antihistamine)
Bisphenol A
Anti-hyperlipidemic drug in bovine serum (probucol)
LC-Q-TOF-MS application for high-throughput non-targeted metabolomics with a hybrid ODS column
Xanthines and Metabolites in Bovine Serum
PFAAs in Bovine Serum
Disopyramide in PVP Aqueous Solution
The Cadenza HS-C18 column shows excellent exclusion of the large polymer HPC from the main sharp peak, verapamil.
Cefalexin in CMC-Na Aqueous Solution
Lidocaine in CMC-Na Aqueous Solution
Sulfamethoxazole in Alginate Aqueous Solution
Calcitonin in Gelatin Aqueous Solution
Indomethacin in gelatin aqueous solution
Tween 20 in IgG solution
Cadenza HS-C18 successfully separates out small molecules like Estradiol and metabolites from bovine serum. The sample chromatogram looks almost identical to the standard chromatogram.
Minoxidil and metabolite
Minoxidil and metabolite in bovine serum
Water soluble vitamins in bovine serum
Antieptileptics in bovine serum
Digitalis glycosides in bovine serum
Polyphenol, berry
Caffeine in the Caffe Latte
Protein exclusion on Cadenza HS-C18
Terphenyl related compounds
Morantel Citrate
Imtakt Product Comparisons: Product Descriptions
Towa Pharmaceutical Cadenza HS-C18 Method Validation Presentation
Determination of Pluronic F-68 High Protein Matrices by HPLC-RAM-ELSD
Direct determination of residual Pluronic F-68 in in-process samples from monoclonal antibody preparations by high performance liquid chromatography