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Technical Information Posters Papers
Fat-soluble vitamins
Oseltamivir phosphate (Anti-flu medicine)
Paroxetine HCl (Antidepressant)
Rilmazafone HCl (Benzodiazepine hypnotic)
Zopiclone (Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic)
Codeine phosphate (Narcotic antitussive)
Pranoprofen (Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug:NSAID)
Naftopidil (alpha1-receptor blocker)
Furosemide (Diuretic)
Menatetrenone (Vitamin K)
Mequitazine (Antihistamine)
Betamethasone (Antihistamine:Adrenal corticosteroid)
LC-MS/MS Application for Duloxetine and Ethyl Morphine in Whole Blood
Xanthines and Metabolites
Opiates of similar structure can be separated and analyzed by LC-MS. For example, morphine and oxymorphone are very similar but are resolved into two separate peaks.
LC-MS of marajuana and its metabolite in blood
Waters soluble vitamins
Loading capacity of our versatile 20mm column is demonstrated at the laboratory level.
For analysis of ascorbic acid and related compounds, our 3um UK-C18 and 5um US-C18 can perform equivalent separations at high speed.
Rapid analysis of ascorbic acid derivatives, including nicotinamide, under basic conditions.
Demonstrates batch-to-batch reproducibility of US-C18 with 5um ODS packing material in three trials.
Comparison of internal diameter in the reverse phase separation of oligo nucleotides.
Superior separation of US-C18 compared to competitor columns.
Comparative separation of organic acids with various stationary phases of the Unison series.
Comparison of 5um column separation of nucleic acid bases. Unison US-C18 demonstrates excellent performance.
Separation of nucleotides used to rate freshness in seafood.
Our 5um US-C18 delivers a satisfactory peak in the separation of anti-allergy medication at neutral pH.