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Technical Information Posters Papers
LC-MS: Ethylene glycols
5-Nitrofurfural (Aromatic aldehyde)
Gemcitabine (Antineoplastic)
LC-MS: Electrolytes and additives of lithium-ion battery
Galactosylceramide from bovine brain
DMF (dimethyl formamide), DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)
Lipid A (Salmonella minnesota Re595)
Tocopherols and tocotrienols
Zanamivir (Anti-flu medicine)
Food preservatives (normal phase)
PQQ: pyrroloquinoline quinone (Normal Phase)
Ingrediants in eye drops (allantoin and chlorpheniramine, maleate)
Pyromellitic acids
Fat soluble vitamins
The reverse phase separation of the hydrophillic organic solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is difficult. However, our silica columns make a nonaqueous normal phase separation possible.
Analysis for antioxidants of plastics in food.
Analysis of coenzyme Q10, a dietary supplement used for its antioxidant action, with various columns.
Reverse phase analysis of the highly polar compound betaine, which is quite difficult to retain in normal phase analysis.
Normal phase analysis of the synthetic sweetener saccharine.
Normal phase separation of the neurotransmitter GABA.
Analysis of ATP, ADP and AMP in aqueous normal phase using a silica column.
Normal phase analysis of purine nucleotide metabolites, including uric acid and allantoin, using a silica column.
Normal phase separation of acrylamide, the presence of which in common foods has caused health concerns.
Separation of highly polar nucleic acid bases in normal phase mode due to high organic solvent density.
The polar compound L-Carnitine, analyzed in both normal and reverse phase modes.
Normal Phase and Reversed Phase
Aqueous normal phase separation of nucleosides using a silica column.
Separation of the difficult to separate group of isomers known as tocopherols in reverse phase mode with a silica column.
Analysis of highly polar vitamins under normal and reverse phase modes.
Analysis of a vitamin derivative under normal and reverse phase modes.
The highly polar water soluble vitamin is retained and separated in normal phase mode.
Separation of ascorbic acid and related compounds in aqueous normal phase with a silica column.
Imtakt Product Comparisons: Product Descriptions
Spin Tip Solid-Phase Extraction And HILIC-MS-MS For Quantitative Determination Of Methamphetamine And Amphetamine In Human Plasma